Sunday, April 10, 2011

Greek Asparagus

Side dishes can trip anyone up, especially if you have a low tolerance for Rice-a-Roni (raises hand). Keep plenty of fresh vegetables on hand, and you can use this method for the majority of them.

Greek Asparagus

1 pound asparagus, trimmed
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. Greek Rub

Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Toss asparagus with olive oil and Greek Rub. Bake on stoneware 15-20 minutes.

To prepare asparagus, simply snap each spear where it breaks easily. You pay by the pound to throw big chunks in the garbage... I know it hurts. As always, I'm using the Large Cutting Board, and it's laid across my sink for extra space.

Olive oil is measured into the Easy Read Mini Measuring Cup, one of those little gems you don't realize you'll use as often as you do. How often do I think you'll utilize this? Constantly. Then there's the Greek Rub... love this stuff! I'm doing this in the Medium Bar Pan, but any piece of Stoneware will work.

There are times when you have to get your hands dirty. This is one of those times.

Bake 15-20 minutes, depending on how crisp you like your vegetables. Then scoop everything up with the Large Serving Spatula, and enjoy! (P.S. Look at that beautifully seasoned Stoneware!)

This method can be used for any number of vegetables... squash, zucchini, green beans, etc. Of course, there are also vegetables you should avoid roasting at 425 smothered in olive oil and Greek Rub, but that's another story for another day.

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